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Unlocking Divine Intelligence: My Journey with Positive Intelligence®️ and the Causal Plane

Jun 24, 2024

A morning "riff" with Brooke...

Good morning, good afternoon, good evening—whatever time of day you're watching this, welcome! It's 10:10 for me right now, and I’m thrilled to share what I've been up to. This is my first video on the news feed for the Beauty Code Way private community, so thank you for joining me on this journey.

I'm currently in one of the most incredible places mentally, although it feels like a complete limbo in the 3D consciousness. In my truth, it's all about essence, beauty, and abundance. How did I get here? Through the Positive Intelligence®️ program, which has been transformative. This program has helped me navigate the layers of my intellect and tap into deeper truths.

Positive Intelligence®️ (PQ®️) involves brain imaging before and after the seven-week program, revealing shifts in the brain's gray matter. This program emphasizes self-command, which is crucial for discerning truth amidst the noise of our rational mind. Over the past year, I've documented my journey, reflecting on the internal battles and breakthroughs that have led me to a more profound understanding of myself.

The core of this transformation involves three key components: self-command, the saboteur interceptor, and the sage perspective. These elements create a robust operating system for life. For me, it's like working with colors—red, yellow, and blue. Just as I used to blend colors while doing hair, now I blend these elements to achieve the clarity and essence I seek.

I've built my sage perspective through consistent practice in the mental fitness gym, not just in times of crisis. This ongoing practice has allowed me to see beyond illusions and lies. The more I let go of my intellect, the more divine intelligence flows through me, creating a new cycle of peace and abundance.

A significant part of my journey has been understanding the causal plane. The causal plane is where angels, sages, and archetypes reside. It’s a bridge that connects us to our deeper truths and higher selves. By working on our mental fitness, we access the causal plane, bringing its wisdom into our daily choices and creating a new reality.

For example, during a rollerblading session, I encountered a woman whose energy initially triggered a judgmental response in me. Instead of succumbing to that response, I shifted to my sage perspective, seeing her as a shy 5-year-old. This shift instantly dissolved negative karma and created positive collective energy.

Moving forward, my focus is on reducing chaos in my life and body, embracing deep healing processes that might seem daunting but are ultimately fulfilling. The Vedic philosophy teaches us to drop everything and get to the core of our being, and I plan to immerse myself in this practice.

I encourage you to explore the causal plane and see how it can transform your life. What resonates with you? Are you curious about the causal plane and how to tap into it? True guidance is found within this realm, and it's accessible to all of us.

Thank you for being part of this journey. I’m excited to hear your thoughts and experiences. Let's continue to grow and evolve together.

Peace out, and see you next time!

Understanding the Causal Plane and the Angelic Realm

The causal plane, or causal body, is a higher dimension of consciousness where we find our true essence, untainted by physical or emotional distortions. It’s often referred to as the bridge between the physical world and higher spiritual realms. In the angelic realm, this plane is where angels, sages, and archetypes communicate with us, offering guidance and insight. By tapping into the causal plane, we align with our higher selves and access divine intelligence, leading to profound personal and spiritual growth.

Understanding the Torus

The torus is a fundamental geometric shape that represents a continuous energy field. It can be visualized as a doughnut-shaped structure where energy flows in through one end, travels around the center, and exits through the other end, creating a dynamic and self-sustaining system. This flow of energy is both inward and outward, forming a complete loop that sustains itself indefinitely.

In more detail, the torus consists of a central axis with a spiraling vortex of energy entering and exiting through the poles. The energy circulates around the outer surface and back into the center, creating a balanced and harmonious system. This shape is not just a theoretical construct; it can be observed in various natural phenomena, from the magnetic field around a planet to the structure of galaxies and even in the human body's energy field.

The torus is significant because it illustrates how energy moves and sustains itself in a balanced, continuous loop. This concept is often used to describe the flow of energy in spiritual and metaphysical contexts, where it represents the idea of infinite energy and interconnectedness. By understanding and visualizing the torus, we can gain insights into how energy flows within us and around us, helping us to align with the natural rhythms of the universe and enhance our personal and spiritual well-being.


If you are interested in my Mental Fitness Program and Package and you don't want to wait for the free 3-day event- get on the waitlist! These seats will fill fast!

Pods consist of 2-5 people and we start on Saturdays.

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