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Rewire Your Brain for Success: Embracing the Technology of Positive Intelligence®️

Jul 01, 2024


In the quest for personal and professional success, our mindset plays a pivotal role. Often, the key to unlocking our potential lies in our ability to rewire our brains for positive thinking and resilience. This is where the groundbreaking technology of Positive Intelligence®️ comes into play. Developed by Shirzad Chamine, Positive Intelligence®️ offers a science-backed approach to rewiring your brain, enhancing your mental fitness, and setting you on a path to success. In this blog, we’ll explore how embracing this innovative technology can transform your life.

Understanding Positive Intelligence®️

Positive Intelligence®️ (PQ®️) is a measure of your mental fitness, reflecting the percentage of time your mind is serving you positively rather than sabotaging you. It combines principles from neuroscience, cognitive behavioral therapy, and positive psychology to help individuals understand and enhance their mental fitness. By increasing your PQ®️, you can improve your ability to handle life's challenges with greater ease and positivity.

The Science of Brain Rewiring

Our brains are incredibly adaptable, capable of forming new neural connections throughout our lives. This neuroplasticity is the foundation of Positive Intelligence®️. By consistently practicing positive mental habits, you can rewire your brain to favor positive, constructive thought patterns over negative, self-sabotaging ones. Here’s how it works:

  1. Identifying Saboteurs: Our minds are often hijacked by negative thought patterns and behaviors known as saboteurs. These include the Judge, the Controller, the Hyper-Achiever, and others. The first step in rewiring your brain is to identify these saboteurs and recognize their impact on your life.

  2. Activating the Sage: The Sage represents the positive, wise, and empathetic part of your brain. By shifting your focus from saboteurs to the Sage, you can approach challenges with a more positive and constructive mindset. This involves developing qualities such as empathy, curiosity, creativity, and calm, clear-headed decision-making.

  3. Practicing Self-Command: Self-command is the ability to consciously direct your thoughts and actions. By strengthening your self-command, you can shift from negative to positive thinking and make decisions that align with your goals and values. This practice is essential for maintaining mental fitness and achieving lasting change.

The Role of PQ®️ Reps

PQ®️ reps are short, focused exercises designed to help you build your mental fitness muscles. These exercises typically involve mindfulness techniques, such as deep breathing, visualization, and body awareness. By practicing PQ®️ reps regularly, you can strengthen your ability to intercept negative thoughts, activate your Sage, and enhance your self-command.

Benefits of Embracing Positive Intelligence®️ Technology

  1. Enhanced Resilience: Rewiring your brain with Positive Intelligence®️ helps you develop resilience, enabling you to bounce back from setbacks and handle stress more effectively. This resilience is crucial for maintaining long-term success in both personal and professional endeavors.

  2. Improved Relationships: By fostering positive thinking and empathy, Positive Intelligence®️ enhances your emotional intelligence. This leads to better communication, stronger relationships, and a more supportive social network.

  3. Increased Performance: A positive mindset and enhanced mental fitness contribute to improved focus, creativity, and problem-solving skills. This, in turn, boosts your performance and productivity in all areas of life.

  4. Greater Well-Being: Practicing Positive Intelligence®️ reduces the impact of negative thoughts and behaviors, leading to greater overall well-being. You’ll experience increased happiness, satisfaction, and a deeper sense of fulfillment.

How to Get Started

Embracing the technology of Positive Intelligence®️ is a journey that begins with a commitment to personal growth and mental fitness. Here are some steps to get started:

  1. Learn About Your Saboteurs: Take the Positive Intelligence®️ assessment to identify your primary saboteurs. Understanding these negative patterns is the first step toward intercepting and overcoming them.

  2. Practice PQ®️ Reps: Incorporate PQ®️ reps into your daily routine. These exercises will help you build the mental fitness muscles needed to rewire your brain for positive thinking.

  3. Activate Your Sage: Focus on developing the qualities of your Sage. Practice empathy, curiosity, creativity, and calm decision-making in your daily interactions and challenges.

  4. Commit to Consistency: Like any fitness regimen, consistency is key. Make mental fitness a priority by regularly practicing the techniques and exercises of Positive Intelligence®️.


Rewiring your brain for success is not just a lofty ideal—it’s a practical and achievable goal with the technology of Positive Intelligence®️. By embracing this innovative approach, you can enhance your mental fitness, overcome self-sabotaging behaviors, and unlock your full potential. Start your journey today and experience the transformative power of Positive Intelligence®️. Your path to a more successful, fulfilling life is just a few PQ®️ reps away.

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