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Embrace the Power of Body Positivity and Mental Fitness with the Beauty Code Way

Sep 08, 2024


A Journey to Embracing Body Wellness and Self-Love

I see you. You’re a high-achieving, compassionate woman who cares deeply for others—whether it’s your family, your career, or your community. But somewhere along the way, amidst all the striving and nurturing, you’ve forgotten to prioritize one of the most essential things: your own body. It’s not that you’re negative or harsh on yourself. It’s simply that your body hasn’t been at the forefront of your attention. Yet, deep down, you know it deserves love, care, and focus.

Why Body Positivity is More Than a Trend—It’s a Necessity

In the hustle and bustle of life, it’s easy to ignore your body’s needs. Maybe you’ve told yourself that you’ll focus on your health once you hit a certain goal at work or after the kids are more independent. But here’s the truth: your body is always with you, and it’s time to give it the attention and care it deserves.

Body positivity isn’t about thinking negatively—it’s about learning to love and nurture your body for what it is now, without judgment. Our bodies carry us through so much, adapting to changes, stress, and the challenges of life. They deserve to be treated with the same love and care we offer to others.


The Ways We Ignore Our Bodies

As we age, our bodies start to send us signals that they need more attention—whether that’s through physical discomfort, fatigue, or unexpected health issues. But many of us, especially as high-achievers, have learned to ignore these signs.

Here are a few common ways my niche—strong, dedicated women—tend to overlook their body and health:

  1. Pushing Through Pain: It’s common to push through discomfort, whether it’s from sitting too long at a desk, not getting enough sleep, or ignoring those aches and pains because “you don’t have time.”

  2. Neglecting Self-Care Routines: You may have moments of realization that your body needs care—perhaps after a long day or week—but then the demands of life take over, and self-care is pushed to the back burner.

  3. Over-Reliance on Convenience: Grabbing convenient, often unhealthy food options, skipping workouts, or falling into a routine of stress-based eating. It’s not about lack of discipline; it’s about being overwhelmed and finding comfort in quick solutions.

What Happens as We Age

As we age, the effects of neglecting our bodies start to manifest in more obvious ways. Hormonal changes, slower metabolism, and increased stress all play a role in our overall health and wellness. These challenges make it even more important to tune into what our bodies need and practice mental fitness.

Ignoring your body’s needs might seem manageable in your 30s, but over time, this neglect can lead to chronic conditions, inflammation, burnout, and emotional fatigue.


The Saboteurs: How They Get in the Way

In Positive Intelligence®️, we learn about the Judge and 9 accomplice Saboteurs that sneak into our lives, undermining our efforts to prioritize self-care and wellness. These Saboteurs aren’t just abstract concepts—they’re the voices and thought patterns that keep us stuck in excuses and inaction.

Let’s explore how each Saboteur might be sabotaging your body positivity and health journey:

  1. The Judge: The ultimate critic. This Saboteur tells you that you’re not doing enough, that your body isn’t good enough, and that you’ll never measure up. It keeps you focused on perfection instead of progress.

  2. The Controller: Pushes you to overwork, ignore your body’s needs, and power through discomfort, thinking you’re in control. But in reality, it’s draining you of energy and well-being.

  3. The Hyper-Achiever: Tells you that success is only worth it if you’re constantly achieving and pushing yourself. Taking time for your body feels like a waste of time when you could be “accomplishing more.”

  4. The Restless: Always looking for the next thing, the Restless Saboteur prevents you from committing to consistent body care routines. You jump from one wellness trend to the next without fully integrating sustainable habits.

  5. The Stickler: Obsessed with perfection, the Stickler convinces you that if you can’t do self-care or fitness perfectly, you might as well not do it at all.

  6. The Pleaser: You put others’ needs before your own, thinking that it’s selfish to prioritize your health when your family or colleagues need you.

  7. The Avoider: Pushes you to delay addressing health concerns, uncomfortable feelings, or physical pain, telling you, “It’s fine, it’ll go away eventually.”

  8. The Victim: Makes you feel powerless in your situation. You might tell yourself that prioritizing your body won’t make a difference because “life is just too hard right now.”

  9. The Hyper-Vigilant: Always focused on the worst-case scenario, this Saboteur makes you anxious about your body, worrying about every ache, pain, or change. But instead of taking action, you get paralyzed in fear.

  10. The Hyper-Rational: Disengages from the body’s signals, thinking logically that you don’t need to worry about wellness until something serious happens.

The Power of Mental Fitness: Why It’s Essential to Body Positivity

Mental fitness is the key to overcoming these Saboteurs and reprogramming your mind to make body positivity a natural part of your life. Mental fitness is the practice of building the muscles of your brain—your Sages—so that you can respond to challenges with clarity, empathy, and focus, rather than being sabotaged by negative thought patterns.

During our 7-Day Body Positivity Challenge, we’ll be practicing daily exercises that are rooted in mental fitness. This challenge isn’t just about changing how you view your body—it’s about rewiring your brain to recognize your body as a valuable, beautiful part of you that deserves love, attention, and care.

Body positivity in action means learning to listen to your body, giving it what it needs, and quieting the Saboteurs that tell you that you don’t have time or that it’s not important. The work we’ll do together will not only help you feel better physically but will also empower you to quiet the Judge and shift into self-compassion and peace.


Common Objections and Excuses—And Why They’re Lies

It’s easy to come up with reasons why now isn’t the right time to focus on your body wellness. Here are some common objections I hear and why they’re not true:

  • “I don’t have time for this.”
    Truth: Prioritizing your body doesn’t have to take hours. Even 10-15 minutes a day of intentional self-care can make a massive difference in how you feel. And remember, the time you invest in your health now saves you from time spent dealing with illness and burnout later.

  • “I’m not that unhealthy. I don’t need to worry yet.”
    Truth: Body positivity and mental fitness aren’t just for those in crisis. It’s about preventing the crisis from happening and building a loving, sustainable relationship with your body now.

  • “I’ll focus on myself once I hit my next goal at work.”
    Truth: Your body deserves care while you’re working on your goals, not after. When you prioritize your health and wellness, you’ll be more focused, energized, and capable of achieving everything you set out to do.

A Heartfelt Message from Brooke and the Beauty Code Way

At the heart of the Beauty Code Way is the belief that your body is sacred and deserving of love, attention, and care. Body positivity isn’t about ignoring the real challenges we face—it’s about learning to approach those challenges with grace, self-compassion, and the mental fitness to move through them.

I invite you to join me on this journey of body positivity and mental fitness. Together, we’ll silence the Saboteurs, embrace our bodies, and create a new narrative that celebrates who we are—inside and out.

Take the Saboteur Assessment, join me for a Saboteur Discovery Session, and let’s embark on this transformative path. Sign up for the 7-Day Body Positivity Challenge, and give yourself the gift of self-love and empowerment.

You and your body deserve it.

With love and light,
Brooke Ranvek
Founder of the Beauty Code Way

Join the Journey

How We Self-Sabotage

Saboteurs are the voices in your head that generate negative emotions as you handle life’s everyday challenges. They represent the automatic patterns in your mind for how to think, feel, and respond.

Your Saboteurs cause all of your stress, anxiety, self-doubt, frustration, restlessness, and unhappiness. They sabotage your performance, wellbeing, and relationships.

The Saboteur Assessment is your first step to conquering your Saboteurs — identifying them to expose their lies and limiting beliefs.

What is your Top Saboteur? 

Take the test, it might surprise you!

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How We Self-Sabotage

Saboteurs are the voices in your head that generate negative emotions as you handle life’s everyday challenges. They represent the automatic patterns in your mind for how to think, feel, and respond.

Your Saboteurs cause all of your stress, anxiety, self-doubt, frustration, restlessness, and unhappiness. They sabotage your performance, wellbeing, and relationships.

The Saboteur Assessment is your first step to conquering your Saboteurs — identifying them to expose their lies and limiting beliefs.

What is your Top Saboteur? 

Take the test, it might surprise you!

{Fill out Form and you will directed to take the 5-min quiz}

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