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Your Voyage Back to Yourself Begins HERE...

Beauty Code Way

Rewire B4 Spiritual Technologies

Your Step-By-Step Voyage

  • Disgust & Desire
  • Say Yes, Watch Presentation, Free Consult
  • Self-Love Breakthrough Session
  • 7-Day Self-Love Checklist {email+support} & follow up call
  • Self-Love Blueprint Session {12-month plan}
  • Follow Up Call
  • Self-Love Masterclass
  • Personal Coaching Optional

Desire and Disgust:

  • The journey begins with a deep desire for self-discovery and a feeling of discontent or dissatisfaction with your current situation.
  • This inner conflict sets you in motion toward embarking on a transformative self-discovery journey.

Consult Call:

  • If you resonate with the desire to begin your self-discovery journey, you can book a consult call.
  • This call is all about establishing a vibe or connection between you and the program.
  • Fully explained presentation

Self-Love Breakthrough Session:

  • Upon mutual agreement during the consult call, you'll proceed to book a Self-Love Breakthrough Session.
  • This session is designed to guide you through a revolutionary system to help you discover your inner light.

Breakthrough Experience:

  • During the Self-Love Breakthrough Session, you will experience a significant personal breakthrough.
  • If you feel called to continue, the next step is the Self-Love Blueprint Session.

Self-Love Blueprint Session:

  • Create a self-forgiveness practice to release past burdens and emotional baggage.
  • Develop a customized plan for a 12-month journey of self-discovery.
  • Leave with renewed confidence in your personal plan and a newfound excitement for embracing your true self.

Additional Support and Resources:

  • The Breakthrough Session includes a 7-Day Self-Love Email Challenge to further support your journey.
  • A follow-up call will be scheduled to help you close out the Breakthrough Session.

Bonus: Self-Love Masterclass:

  • Before your Self-Love Blueprint Session, you will receive immediate access to the Self-Love Masterclass as a valuable bonus resource.

Ongoing Support:

  • If you wish to continue your voyage and have the necessary support to navigate through your shadows and embrace your gifts, this program offers the assistance and guidance required to stick to your journey.


Welcome | Rewired For Self-Love |  Q&A | Watch full Video


Now You are Ready for the {on-demand} Presentation



Book your Free Consultation

Let's Talk About You! | Book your FREE Consultation Call HERE


About your own Beauty Code Way Voyage

Begin Your Voyage to Uncover Your Path

60-min Self-Love Breakthrough Session

Find Your Light:

The Self-Love Breakthrough

Welcome! Thank you for joining me for this Self-Love Transformation Breakthrough Session.

I'm thrilled to connect with you and help you uncover the path to your self-love journey. Here's what you can expect during our time together:


The Right System:

It's about taking the right steps in the right order.

The Right Support:

We're here to encourage and guide you.

The Right Accountability:

Accountability ensures you follow through.


With this system, you'll:

  • Set up conditions for inevitable success.
  • Discover what foods are best for your unique body.
  • Turn healthy habits into lasting behaviors.

At the end of 90 days, you'll have new rituals, habits, and a transformed body, not just a quick fix.



Let's Walk you through our session together

Segment 1: Discovery

  • I'll ask you a series of questions designed to uncover the challenges you're experiencing and to understand your vision for your well-being, whether it's related to health, weight, digestion, or more.
  • We'll explore what might be stopping you, slowing you down, or preventing you from reaching your goals.
  • Rest assured, there's no way to get this wrong; it's an easy and enjoyable process guaranteed to deliver powerful breakthroughs.
  • By the end of our conversation, you'll know if we're a good fit for each other, and we'll decide whether working together is the best next step.

Let's begin!

Segment 2: Draw Out Your Desired Outcome

  • What's the outcome you desire in the next 90 days?
  • Envision yourself experiencing this outcome.
  • What does it look and feel like?
  • How will this impact your life and the lives of those you care about?
  • Why is this outcome important to you?

Segment 3: Explore the Challenges

  • What's currently stopping or slowing you down from achieving your desired outcome?
  • Tell me more about your biggest challenges.
  • How have these challenges impacted your daily life, work, relationships, or finances?
  • What have you tried in the past to address these challenges?
  • Optional: Share any specific struggles related to your relationship with food and health.

Segment 4: Let's make your transformation journey easy and fun.


Imagine a river between you and your goals, filled with obstacles.

Our Self-Love Transformation System, "Rewire B4," provides the stepping stones to cross that river.

  • The Right System: It's about taking the right steps in the right order.
  • The Right Support: We're here to encourage and guide you.
  • The Right Accountability: Accountability ensures you follow through.

With this system, you'll:

  • Set up conditions for inevitable success.
  • Discover what foods are best for your unique body.
  • Turn healthy habits into lasting behaviors.

What makes us so unique?

We work with your highest-self

We guide you to rewrite your story using somatic work, experiential exercises and more

  • Holistic Approach: We understand that self-love is not just about food or exercise. Our holistic approach addresses emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual aspects.

  • Customized Solutions: We don't offer one-size-fits-all solutions. Our programs are tailored to your unique needs and body type.

  • Sustainability: We're not here for quick fixes. Our focus is on helping you create lasting behaviors that will stay with you long after the program ends.

  • Accountability: We provide the support and accountability needed to ensure you follow through and reach your goals.

  • Proven System: "Rewire B4" is a well-structured system designed for transformation and results.


Stories from women who inspire and fascinate me:

Sarah, a Busy Mom


"I can't thank Brooke enough for the Self-Love Breakthrough Session. As a mom, my life was a juggling act of family, work, and endless to-do lists. I felt like I was constantly putting myself last. But this session was a game-changer. Brooke made it so easy to open up about my struggles and dreams. She helped me see the path to self-care and transformation, and it's been incredible. I've found a balance I didn't think was possible, and I'm a happier, healthier mom because of it."

Lisa, a Busy Professional


"Working with Brooke for the Self-Love Breakthrough Session has been nothing short of transformative. As a career-driven woman, I often pushed my well-being aside. But the questions she asked during the session allowed me to reevaluate my priorities and envision a healthier, happier life. The Self-Love Transformation System they introduced is practical and easy to follow. It's not just about quick fixes; it's about lasting change. I've seen tremendous improvements in my health and overall well-being. Highly recommend!"

Emily, a Mom of Three


"Life was chaotic, with three kids and endless responsibilities. It felt impossible to prioritize self-love. But Brooke showed me that it's not only possible but crucial. The Self-Love Breakthrough Session was an eye-opener. Brooke's compassionate approach and the Rewire B4 System gave me the tools I needed to make lasting changes. My relationships improved, and I'm a happier mom. This session has been a lifeline in my journey to self-discovery and empowerment. I can't thank Brooke enough."

Next, Plan and Prepare for the Journey.

Transform Your Life with Self-Love and Compassion: 

90-min Self-Love Blueprint Session

Turn on Your Light: 

Self-Love Blueprint

About the Session: Are you ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery and transformation? This Session is designed to help you find your inner compass, set meaningful goals, and experience profound personal growth. It consists of three integral parts, each aimed at guiding you on your path to self-love and empowerment.


Big 5 Goal Setting:

  • Discover your true desires and what's been holding you back.
  • Learn how to transform self-judgment into self-love and compassion.

Set Your 1 Goal:

  • Define your primary goal for personal growth and transformation.
  • Craft a commitment, forgiveness, and a power statement for success.

Self-Love Checklist:

  • Manifest self-love and conviction through daily practices.
  • Receive guidance and support via a 7-day email challenge.

With this Blueprint, you'll experience:

  • Clarity: Gain a clear vision of your goals and how to achieve them.

  • Empowerment: Develop a deep sense of self-worth and confidence.

  • Transformation: Rewire your mindset for lasting positive change.

At the end of this session you will leave equip with a 12 month plan to follow through and have fun with your journey.



Unlocking the Power of Rewiring: Key Concepts

1. Visualization

  • Visualize Your Ideal Self:

    Visualization is a powerful tool that allows you to create a mental image of your ideal self and future. By vividly picturing the person you aspire to become, you set a clear direction for your self-love journey. Through visualization, you can manifest your desires and cultivate self-love from within. This process helps women gain a deeper understanding of their goals and aspirations.

    Result: Empowerment
    Visualization leads to a sense of empowerment. It enables you to see the possibilities and believe in your capacity to achieve your dreams.

2. Experiential Exercises

  • Learn by Doing:

    Experiential exercises engage you in hands-on activities that promote self-discovery and growth. These exercises go beyond theory, allowing you to apply self-love principles in practical ways. They often involve immersive experiences, such as journaling, mindfulness practices, and interactive group activities.

    Result: Transformation
    Engaging in experiential exercises fosters personal transformation. It provides women with tangible tools to implement self-love and create positive changes in their lives.

3. Forgiveness

  • Release the Weight of the Past:

    Forgiveness is a crucial component of the rewiring process. It involves letting go of past hurts, regrets, and self-blame. When you forgive, you free yourself from the burden of carrying emotional baggage. Forgiveness is an act of self-compassion that allows you to heal and make space for self-love.

    Result: Emotional Liberation
    Forgiveness leads to emotional liberation. Women find relief from the weight of unresolved emotions, making room for self-love to flourish.

4. Compassion

  • Extend Love to Yourself:

Compassion is the heart of self-love. It's the practice of treating yourself with kindness, understanding, and patience. By embracing self-compassion, you create a nurturing environment within. Self-compassion encourages you to be your own biggest supporter and allows for self-love to grow from a place of gentleness.

Result: Unconditional Self-Love
Practicing compassion results in unconditional self-love. Women develop a profound love and acceptance of themselves, regardless of imperfections or setbacks.


What sets us apart?

Our approach integrates ancient wisdom and modern tools, emphasizing the importance of holistic self-love

We don't just set goals; we provide you with a personalized plan and continuous support to help you rewire your life for lasting positive change.

  • By embracing these concepts in the rewiring process, women on their self-love journey experience profound transformations.

  • Visualization empowers them to see their potential, experiential exercises provide practical tools, forgiveness liberates them from the past, and compassion nurtures unconditional self-love.

  • Together, these elements create a path to personal growth, inner harmony, and a life filled with self-love and authenticity.

    Are you ready to embark on this transformative journey? Join our Self-Love Blueprint Session and unlock your full potential.


Read What Our Participants Have to Say:

"This session transformed my life. I've never felt more connected to myself." - Sarah M.

"I was skeptical about the 7-Day Challenge. I now practice self-love daily." - Val D.

"The insights I gained about my genetic profile were mind-blowing. Game-changer." - Lisa R.