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Uncover Your Why

Jan 12, 2025

40 Days of an Intentional and Specific Covenant with Consciousness
Documented by Brooke Ranvek
January 12th, 2025

It’s Sunday Funday! I’m sitting here with my planner, mapping out the week ahead, and the mantra playing on repeat in my mind is, “one step at a time.” This week feels like it’s calling me to deeply remember the why underneath the why and to consciously keep that front and center in my daily choices.

There’s a part of me whispering that I’m behind on launching my Why Underneath the Why Workshop. But I know as long as I’m walking the walk, everything else will fall into place. My 40-day covenant with Consciousness keeps me grounded, as does my mission: to help 100 women remember who they truly are by 2027. It starts with uncovering their why underneath their why, offering a complimentary Pathway to Purpose Breakthrough Session, and guiding them into a 90-day intensive program where the Beauty Code Way’s step-by-step strategy helps them achieve their goals and walk their unique path of purpose.

This work isn’t just about getting results; it’s about remembering that you deserve to be the best version of yourself. We must find the courage to own where we are, let go of what no longer serves us, and lean into what we truly desire—for ourselves and the impact we leave as we walk our path. Unfortunately, no one taught us this strategy—not our parents, not school. The irony is, it’s not about learning something new but reconnecting to the common sense of how we’re meant to live and care for our bodies in this one precious life.

I’ll never forget how quickly my life began to shift when I embraced this approach. But the real magic? Being surrounded by women who prioritize themselves as the most important person in their lives. As high achievers, it’s so easy to put our careers, businesses, or security first without questioning the why behind our actions. Yet, the real game-changer isn’t in what we do but in who we are when we’re doing it.

This is where the Beauty Code Way transforms everything. You’re not forced to change—you simply bring more of yourself, your soul’s desires, and the real reasons you do what you do. Ironically, this shift changes everything without having to overhaul your life. It’s what I call “change work”: changing without trying to change because you’re reconnecting with your truth—not becoming someone else.

As I reflect on this, I’m reminded of card #8 from the Moonology Oracle Card deck’s Celtic Cross Full Spread: New Moon Eclipse – Expect Powerful Change. This card speaks to courage—courage to move past my comfort zone and step into where I truly want to be: coaching six women one-on-one through my 90-day intensive program. My first six of 100.

Thinking about finding these first six clients brings up memories of past struggles to fill my coaching practice. But I know those experiences were lessons, preparing me to embrace a mission bigger than myself. A mission that prioritizes and honors the sacrifices needed to stay committed.

The card’s message feels like a nudge from the Universe:

  • Never mind the past—life evolves every single day.
  • You are being guided toward your purpose.
  • Whatever is happening now is for your highest good.
  • This is an important turning point.

A new portal is opening, and I simply need the courage to step through it.

This message also challenges me to confront my fears and judgments—particularly the fear that my work is too simple to attract high achievers. But I know my approach is exactly what they need: a way to break free from the cycle of achievement without enjoyment and embrace self-love. My method provides accountability, support, and a strategy that’s simple, fun, and effective.

I’ve been in their shoes—jumping from modality to modality, chasing shiny objects, and making things harder than they need to be. It all worked temporarily but never brought the deep fulfillment I now experience through the Beauty Code Way.

So, I invite you to break free from the cycle of achievement without enjoyment. Transform judgment into self-love and curiosity. Join the Beauty Code Way Movement and embark on a Self-Love Voyage back to yourself.

Here’s how to get started:

  1. Take the Pathway to Purpose Simple Quiz to see where you are and how the Beauty Code Way can support you.
  2. Attend the Why Underneath the Why 30-minute workshop.
  3. Schedule your complimentary Pathway to Purpose Breakthrough Session.

From there, you’ll know if you’re ready to step into the 90-day intensive program and become one of the first six women on this journey—or if it’s simply not the right time. I’ll never pressure you; I’m here to walk alongside those who are ready to walk the path of the Beauty Code Way.

As I close, I want to extend a warm invitation to my 30-minute workshop, happening every Friday at 12 PM CST until I decide otherwise.

Bye for now,
Brooke Ranvek


The Pathway to Purpose: Your Journey Starts Here

Have you ever paused to wonder why you do what you do—or why, despite all your achievements, something still feels missing? If you’ve felt this way, you’re not alone. Many high achievers, while outwardly successful, secretly yearn for something deeper: alignment, fulfillment, and true purpose. That’s where the Pathway to Purpose Quiz comes in.

This simple yet powerful tool is designed to help you reflect on where you are, where you want to be, and what’s holding you back. The quiz gives you clarity on your current alignment with your purpose, revealing insights into the gaps that are keeping you stuck in cycles of achievement without enjoyment. Think of it as a gentle nudge from your inner self, inviting you to begin your self-discovery journey.

The Why Under the Why Workshop: Unlocking the Real You

If the quiz provides a map, the Why Under the Why Workshop serves as the compass, helping you uncover the deeper motivations and desires beneath your surface-level goals. This 30-minute workshop is far more than just information—it’s an experience.

At its heart are deep guided visualizations designed to bypass the noise of your busy mind and tap into your subconscious, where your true desires reside. Imagine being gently guided to connect with the version of yourself who has already stepped into her purpose, feeling her confidence, joy, and clarity. These visualizations are powerful because they allow you to experience the life you desire, not just think about it.

Through the workshop, you’ll:

  • Uncover the hidden “why” beneath your actions, revealing the core motivations that drive you.
  • Gain clarity on what truly matters to you, beyond external expectations.
  • Feel a profound sense of alignment and possibility as you connect with your purpose.

The workshop is a space of empowerment and reflection—a chance to step out of autopilot and reconnect with what makes your soul light up.

The Pathway to Purpose Breakthrough Session: A Turning Point

Following the workshop, the Pathway to Purpose Breakthrough Session takes things even deeper. This complimentary session is a one-on-one experience where we’ll work together to:

  • Reflect on your insights from the workshop and quiz.
  • Identify the specific barriers standing between you and your purpose.
  • Craft a personalized plan to start walking your path of purpose.

This session is more than a conversation—it’s a transformational moment. You’ll leave with a clearer understanding of what’s been holding you back and a roadmap for how to move forward. For many, this session is the catalyst for profound change.

The 90-Day Intensive: Your Solution to Achievement Without Fulfillment

The 90-Day Intensive is the ultimate answer for high achievers who are ready to break free from the cycle of living for others and start prioritizing self-love, purpose, and joy. This program is designed with you in mind—your drive, your high standards, and your deep longing for a life that feels as good as it looks.

Here’s what makes this program different:

  • A Step-by-Step Strategy: You won’t be left guessing. The Beauty Code Way provides a clear, actionable plan that takes you from where you are to where you want to be.
  • Deep, Transformational Work: Through weekly guided visualizations, mental fitness exercises, and personalized coaching, you’ll address the root causes of your struggles—not just the symptoms.
  • High-Touch Support: You’ll have access to ongoing guidance, accountability, and community, ensuring you stay on track.
  • Fast, Sustainable Results: Unlike other programs, this approach creates lasting change because it aligns with your truth—not a cookie-cutter formula.

This isn’t just another program; it’s the solution you’ve been praying for—even if you didn’t know it yet. It’s designed to help you create a life of alignment, fulfillment, and joy, without sacrificing your ambition or success.

The Cost of Inaction: What’s at Stake?

The truth is, not following your path to purpose comes with a steep price—emotionally, physically, and financially. When we live for others and ignore our deeper needs, the toll can be devastating:

  • Emotional Burnout: You may feel stuck, unfulfilled, or disconnected, no matter how much you achieve.
  • Physical Health Effects: Chronic stress, poor self-care, and ignoring your body’s needs can lead to fatigue, illness, and even serious health conditions.
  • Financial Misalignment: Think of all the things you’ve spent money on that promised happiness or fulfillment but fell short—fancy vacations, luxury items, countless workshops or courses. None of these truly delivered because they didn’t address the core issue: the need for purpose and self-love.

Reflect for a moment:

  • How much have you spent trying to fill a void that only self-discovery and alignment could fill?
  • What has staying stuck cost you in terms of your health, relationships, and happiness?
  • What will it cost you to stay on this path for another year?

The statistics are sobering: studies show that over 70% of people feel disengaged in their lives, and chronic stress is a leading cause of illness and unhappiness. But here’s the good news: you don’t have to be part of that statistic.

Your Invitation to Change

This is your opportunity to break free from the cycle of achievement without enjoyment. Start with the quiz, attend the workshop, and schedule your breakthrough session. Together, we’ll determine if the 90-Day Intensive is right for you.

Imagine the freedom, joy, and fulfillment that come from living in alignment with your purpose. This isn’t just a dream—it’s within your reach. Let the Beauty Code Way guide you there.

Are you ready to step into the life you’ve been praying for? Take the first step today.

With love and purpose,
Brooke Ranvek

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