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Chaos to Clarity

Jan 06, 2025

40 Days of an Intentional and Specific Covenant with Consciousness
Documented by Brooke Ranvek
January 6th, 2025

Every time I see what looks like chaos, drama, or the end of the world, I see the fear driving it all, and I instantly turn to “God’s Plan.” Everything may seem like it’s crumbling and worsening in some eyes, but I know everything is divinely orchestrated—you just have to believe it to see it. We’re taught to believe only what we can see, which is why everything needs to crumble, fall away, and dissolve to reveal the light, beauty, and freedom that’s waiting.

This brings me to today's Moonology Oracle card: Card 2 – The Challenge (from the Celtic Cross), “YOU AND YOUR LOVED ONES ARE SAFE,” New Moon in Cancer. This card speaks of a fresh start in one's private life. Something is rising up in connection with the people and places I hold dearest. It also reminds me that it’s time to nurture myself more deeply and release any insecurities holding me back. It’s a call to put my family first.

The challenge portion of this card speaks to me, urging me to let someone get closer to me. It’s also nudging me to review my goals and see if anything has shifted. The card suggests meditation to banish insecurities and emphasizes the healing power of water.

As I get real, raw, and honest with myself, I’ve found many places where I’ve kept myself hidden and "safe." But I’ve also realized I had many delusions about those spaces—ones I was blind to. This involves my family and my business.

Reflecting on the times before the "plandemic," I was so vibrant and hopeful about my business. I truly believed people wanted to prioritize their health, invest in themselves, and do the foundational work I provide, which can condense time. Then the plandemic happened. Hope seemed to vanish, especially among women who felt they could never be healthy or happy again.

Food quality has worsened, toxins and poisons are at an all-time high, and people are bombarded with miracle pills, drugs, and fad diets. The health decline—whether from trying to heal from COVID, long COVID, or effects of the jab—has set women back in ways we never imagined. However, now is the time of the Great Awakening, and I know I’m here to rise up and speak the truth. I’m proud of myself for the choices I’ve made, even though the voices in my head often told me they weren’t ones of success or possibility.

I’ve prioritized my health, self-discovery, and being the leader of my family as my full-time job. My business, on the other hand, has been my hobby. And thank God I had that hobby to get me through those times. What’s super exciting is that I now have a strong foundation within my family. Our health, values, and sacred contracts are established and acknowledged, and we have our own family mission.

I also have a personal mission, equally high on my priority list: to help 100 women remember who they are by 2027. This means guiding 100 women through my foundational Pathway to Purpose 90-Day Intensive Self-Love & Soul Purpose Coaching Package. It’s a proven system that has helped women from all walks of life reconnect with their intuition and become their own best health authority. These women learn what they need, what they want, and—most importantly—that they deserve it. They gain a step-by-step plan they can repeat for the rest of their lives, no matter the stage they’re in. It’s the same process to move to the next level, and then the next. The craziest part? This foundation is really about getting back to common-sense knowledge that has become so muddied over time.

I’m excited to help you, and I know I have the capability and capacity to hold space without projecting onto those I help. My role is to ask the right questions that empower you to find the answers from your highest self.

Yes, I have some loose ends to tie up. But if I’ve learned anything, it’s patience, trust, and the importance of taking inspired action. Using the Beauty Code Way Methodology, I will reach my goal and fulfill my mission of helping 100 women remember who they are by 2027.

Despite things looking like they couldn’t get worse, what do you have to lose? Are you ready to be one of the first, starting this year?

Bye for now,
Brooke Ranvek


The State of Health Before and After the Pandemic: A Wake-Up Call

The pandemic didn’t just disrupt our lives—it exposed and amplified deep cracks in our collective health. Let’s look at the hard truth: our health, both physical and mental, was already in decline before COVID. But now, four years after lockdowns, we are grappling with even worse statistics, costs, and consequences.

Health Before the Pandemic

  • In 2019, over 42% of adults in the U.S. were classified as obese, according to the CDC, with a steady upward trend.
  • Chronic conditions like diabetes and heart disease were already among the leading causes of death.
  • Anxiety and depression were on the rise, with 1 in 5 adults experiencing mental illness annually.

Post-Lockdown Health Crisis

Four years after the lockdowns, here’s where we stand:

  • Obesity and Weight-Related Illnesses: Obesity rates have climbed to nearly 50% in adults, and childhood obesity has surged as well.
  • Mental Health Decline: Depression and anxiety diagnoses have doubled. A 2022 study by The Lancet found that women were disproportionately affected, with 35% more women reporting severe mental health challenges compared to men.
  • Toxins and Environmental Factors: The USDA reports that 70% of produce contains pesticide residues. Combined with increased air pollution and toxins in processed foods, our bodies are burdened with substances they were never meant to handle.
  • Long-Term COVID and Vaccine Effects: Millions of women report lingering symptoms from COVID or side effects from vaccines, further complicating their health recovery.

The True Cost of Living

Beyond health, the economic strain has exacerbated these issues:

  • Cost of Food and Essentials: Rising prices mean many families rely on cheap, processed foods loaded with harmful ingredients.
  • Stress and Trauma: The financial and emotional toll of the last four years has left a body-wide imprint of unprocessed trauma. Chronic stress is directly linked to inflammation, disease, and hormonal imbalances.

The Problem: Denial and Inaction

None of these issues have been adequately addressed:

  1. No Accountability: The toxins in our food and air remain unregulated. Big industries continue to profit while our health deteriorates.
  2. No Solutions: Most health systems treat symptoms, not root causes, leaving women stuck in a loop of temporary fixes and ongoing suffering.

A Solution: The Pathway to Purpose 90-Day Intensive

If you’ve been praying for a way out of this spiral, my 90-Day Intensive is the foundation you need to remember who you are and reclaim your health and life. This program is designed to guide you step by step into mental, emotional, and physical freedom through:

  • Self-Love: Reconnecting with your body and its signals.
  • Soul Purpose: Rewriting your narrative and aligning with your intuition.
  • Health Authority: Becoming the expert on your own health and needs.

This isn’t a quick fix—it’s a proven system that has helped women transform their lives in just 90 days.

Imagine Where You Could Be in 90 Days

By following this program, 90 days from now, you could:

  • Wake up energized and free from brain fog.
  • Experience true joy in your relationships and day-to-day life.
  • Feel clarity about your goals, values, and purpose.
  • Gain confidence in making health and lifestyle choices that truly serve you.

The Cost of Waiting

But what happens if you don’t start? One year from now, you could still be stuck in the same cycles of fatigue, frustration, and overwhelm. Five years from now, unresolved trauma and toxic buildup could manifest in more severe health issues, unfulfilled dreams, and a deeper disconnect from your true self.

The choice is yours:

  • Continue on the current path of denial and delay.
  • Or, take this opportunity to transform your life and become the healthiest, happiest version of yourself.

A Call to Action

This is your moment. If you’ve been asking for a sign or a solution, don’t bypass this opportunity. The Pathway to Purpose isn’t just a program—it’s your answer to healing, growth, and remembering who you are meant to be.

Let’s begin your transformation. Don’t let another day go by without taking the step toward the life you know is possible. Will you say yes to yourself today?

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